Conveyor Design Consultants of WA

Providers of Technical Training Courses in
Belt Conveyor Engineering


Edmond O’Donovan is a mechanical engineer with more than 20 years experience in the mining industry.  For almost all of that time he has specialised in the design of large, high capacity and complicated conveyor systems.  He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Sydney in 1983 and obtained a Master of Science Degree from the University of Minnesota in 1985.  Upon returning to Australia he worked for a number of consulting firms before returning to the USA in 1990 to work for Conveyor Dynamics Inc.   He spent three years in the USA before returning to Australia in 1994 and starting his own engineering consulting practice.  He has full system design capability for conveyors including static, dynamic and horizontal curve analysis, using commercial packages for static and horizontal curve analysis, and an in-house developed program for dynamic analysis.

Since returning to Australia, he has been heavily involved with the underground coal industry, having major involvement at South Bulga/Beltana, Newlands/Newlands Nth, Moranbah Nth, Oaky Nth, Dendrobium and Crinum/Crinum East, and minor involvement with many other underground operations.  He has also designed many large and complicated surface systems including the Dampier Salt Curved Overlands, and the Tianjin Port Overland which is a 6000tph, 9000m curved system in Northern China.

He has also worked on Coal Clearance Optimisation and has a special interest in the application of Discrete Element Modelling for solving material handling problems.